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200. Acupuncture Can Help Anxiety? Ft. Dr. Elieen Li
200. Acupuncture Can Help Anxiety? Ft. Dr. Elieen Li

200. Acupuncture Can Help Anxiety? Ft. Dr. Elieen Li

Have you ever been curious about acupuncture and Chinese medicine? Have you wondered if they could help with anxiety and mental health? In today's episode, we explore these questions and more. We've invited a specialist to discuss everything related to acupuncture, debunk common myths, and share the facts. Our specialist on acupunture is Dr. Eileen Li. Dr. Eileen Li, PT, DPT, L.Ac, is a second-generation acupuncturist, Chinese medicine herbalist, and physical therapist who blends Eastern and Western health to help her patients and social media followers feel and heal better. With over a decade of clinical experience and a background in chronic pain research, she shares practical acupressure and Chinese medicine tips for mental health, pain relief, digestion, and overall wellness. Tune in for expert insights, real-world healing strategies, and a fresh perspective on holistic health. ________ My FREE ACUPRESSURE GUIDE: Top 5 points for INSTANT PAIN RELEIF today https://circle.anewintegrative.com/5acupointsguide Instagram https://www.instagram.com/anew.acu/ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@anew.acu  Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@anewacu Clinic website: www.anewintegrative.com _________ 💌 Connect with Us: Follow The Chicks on Instagram: @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety Got questions or ideas? Send us a DM or email us at theanxietychicks@gmail.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

200. Acupuncture Can Help Anxiety? Ft. Dr. Elieen Li

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