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#320: What the Research Says About Weight Loss with Alexis Conason (Revisited)
#320: What the Research Says About Weight Loss with Alexis Conason (Revisited)

#320: What the Research Says About Weight Loss with Alexis Conason (Revisited)

I’m revisiting my interview with Alexis Conason, clinical psychologist, eating disorder specialist, and author of The Diet-Free Revolution, unpacking everything that the research says about weight loss. Is it possible to lose weight in the long-term? What do you need to do to achieve that? Plus, how learning to eat more mindfully (in a non-diet way) can help you to become a more intuitive eater. Show notes: summerinnanen.com/320   In this episode, we talk about: - That long term weight loss and maintenance is extremely rare, and the industry knows it, - How researchers have used examples of people with eating disorders as lessons for weight loss, - That in the rare instances when people sustain weight loss long term, it’s often not in a healthy way, - A study on contestants from The Biggest Loser, and why we never see a follow-up episode of this show, - That health is not determined by weight and that most of what impacts health is out of our control,- How mindfulness can shift the way we see ourselves and how we interact with the world, - Plus so much more!  Get the shownotes: www.summerinnanen.com/320 Get the free 10-Day Body Confidence Makeover with 10 steps to feel better in your body at summerinnanen.com/freebies If you're a professional who has clients or students that struggle with body image, get the Body Image Coaching Roadmap for professionals at summerinnanen.com/roadmap Support the show via Ko-Fi - go to ko-fi.com/summerinnanen and you can make a monthly contribution. For as little as $5 a month, you can help to keep this show on the air for another season and you’ll get my mini-course “Conquering Negative Body Talk.

#320: What the Research Says About Weight Loss with Alexis Conason (Revisited)

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