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Honour Killings
Honour Killings

Honour Killings

In this episode we take a look at honour based violence and honour killings. We discover the meaning behind these terms and the horrendous acts of violence, abuse and murder committed by family members on mostly women who they believe have brought shame to their family. We also talk about different countries and the statistics they have gathered on honour crimes respectively. We discuss in depth a few cases, including what is considered to be the first homosexual honour killing in Turkey and Nina Aouilk who is a survivor.Disclaimer: Mentions of: Honour based violence and killings, child abuse, incest, sexual abuse, domestic violence, homophobia, views on arranged and forced marriages.#HonourBasedViolence #HonourKilling #DomesticAbuse#SurvivorStories #TrueCrimePodcast #PodcastEpisode #ListenNowShow notes can be found on our website here: https://feloniouspod.wordpress.com/2025/03/11/honour_killings/PatreonBuy us a coffeeMusic by ⁠⁠Yevhen Onoychenko⁠⁠ from⁠⁠ Pixab

Honour Killings

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