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Episode 186|Empathy|Optimistically you|Tamil
Episode 186|Empathy|Optimistically you|Tamil

Episode 186|Empathy|Optimistically you|Tamil

Makkallae! Empathy is the key to better relationships, stronger connections, and a kinder world. In this episode, let’s explore what empathy truly means, why it matters, and how we can develop it in our daily lives. Small acts of understanding can make a big difference! Please do send me your thoughts and comments through πŸ’Œ optimisticallyyou@gmail.com πŸ’¬ https://www.instagram.com/optimistically_you – we'd love to hear from you! #OptimisticallyYou #TamilPodcast #Empathy #Kindness #Connection #Understanding #Compassion #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #BeKind #StayOptimistic #tamilselfhelp

Episode 186|Empathy|Optimistically you|Tamil

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