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790. LIVE in Richmond with Keira D’Amato
790. LIVE in Richmond with Keira D’Amato

790. LIVE in Richmond with Keira D’Amato

"Win or learn, and then pick up and move on." The girls were back in town! Keira D'Amato and I spent the weekend in Richmond, VA, for the second River City Half Marathon and 5K (she ran — and won — the half, and I ran the 5K). Thank you so much to the best bejeweled and bedazzled audience for such a fun afternoon. We laughed, we debated hot takes, and we love you so much. (Working on getting the audio from Conor and Cousin Jackie's microphones fixed from the Skeirragories round at the end!) SPONSOR:  UCAN: Click here to get a FREE UCAN Edge sample pack (you’ll just pay the cost of shipping), and use code ALI for 20% off your next UCAN order. Follow Ali: Instagram @aliontherun1 Join the Facebook group Support on Patreon Subscribe to the newsletter SUPPORT the Ali on the Run Show! If you’re enjoying the show, please subscribe and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Spread the run love. And if you liked this episode, share it with your friends!

790. LIVE in Richmond with Keira D’Amato

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