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Exploring Unique Exit Strategies Using Employee Stock Ownership Plans
Exploring Unique Exit Strategies Using Employee Stock Ownership Plans

Exploring Unique Exit Strategies Using Employee Stock Ownership Plans

What if the path to successful entrepreneurship isn't just about finding a compelling market idea, but also about crafting an intentional exit strategy that benefits an entire community? On this episode of The Angel Next Door Podcast, we dive into an unconventional exit strategy that prioritizes employees and community sustainability. Marcia, our host, welcomes Gina Schaefer, a pioneering entrepreneur who transitioned her successful hardware store chain to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), ensuring her legacy and providing her team with a stake in the business – not to mention a nice payout for her and her family.Gina Schaefer, along with her husband Mark, founded what began as a single hardware store in a once-struggling neighborhood in Washington, D.C., and expanded it to a 13-store enterprise under the Ace Hardware cooperative. Her entrepreneurial journey, defined by community revitalization, culminated in a unique exit strategy that included selling a 30% stake of the company to its employees through an ESOP, with plans to eventually transition to 100% employee ownership. Gina's commitment to her team and community shines through, highlighting her innovative approach to succession planning.In this must-listen episode, Gina unravels the process of establishing an ESOP, discussing the transformation it brings to company culture, employee ownership, and wealth generation. Listeners will gain insights into the benefits and complexities of ESOPs, as well as the broader impacts on community and economic structure. By highlighting this thoughtful and community-oriented exit strategy, Gina’s story offers a fresh perspective on how entrepreneurship can go beyond personal success to foster community growth and empowerment. To get the latest from Gina Schaefer, you can follow her below!https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginaschaefer-speaker/ Sign up for Marcia's newsletter to receive tips and the latest on Angel Investing!Website: www.marciadawood.comLearn more about the documentary Show Her the Money: www.showherthemoneymovie.comAnd don't forget to follow us wherever you are!Apple Podcasts: https://pod.link/1586445642.appleSpotify: https://pod.link/1586445642.spotifyLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/angel-next-door-podcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theangelnextdoorpodcast/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@marciadawood

Exploring Unique Exit Strategies Using Employee Stock Ownership Plans

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