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The Curious Dr. Margaret Funk, Flora & Frost
The Curious Dr. Margaret Funk, Flora & Frost

The Curious Dr. Margaret Funk, Flora & Frost

Dr. Margaret Funk is the curious Midwest gardener (and doctor) behind the online name Flora & Frost. Cultivating her Minnesota garden for years, like so many of us, she really dove in deep in 2020. She and her family have now converted most of their lawn into a vibrant garden with a small greenhouse, raised beds for veggies, ornamental plants, and a growing collection of native plants. As an online communicator herself, Margaret combines her love of gardening with her with her love of science AND laughter. She has a remarkable skill at presenting often complex topics in an accessible, authentic, inspiring, and entertaining way. In honor of Women’s History Month, Margaret joins Guest Host Ben Futa this week on Cultivating Place - Listen in! Cultivating Place now has a donate button! We thank you so much for listening over the years and we hope you'll support Cultivating Place. We can't thank you enough for making it possible for this young program to grow even more of these types of conversations. The show is available as a podcast on SoundCloud and iTunes. To read more and for many more photos, please visit www.cultivatingplace.com.

The Curious Dr. Margaret Funk, Flora & Frost

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