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Breaking the Likability Trap: Habits Women Leaders Must Overcome to Thrive
Breaking the Likability Trap: Habits Women Leaders Must Overcome to Thrive

Breaking the Likability Trap: Habits Women Leaders Must Overcome to Thrive

In this episode of the "Leading Ladies in Healthcare" podcast, Dr. Lisa, a seasoned family physician, and executive leadership coach, addresses the challenges women face in the workplace, particularly the pressure to be likable. She identifies six habits that can undermine women's leadership presence: over-apologizing, second-guessing decisions, using soft language, avoiding conflict, deflecting praise, and exhibiting nervous body language. Dr. Lisa offers practical tips to overcome these habits, encouraging women to embrace their authentic selves while maintaining authority and assertiveness. The episode aims to empower women leaders in healthcare to recognize and combat gender bias.

Breaking the Likability Trap: Habits Women Leaders Must Overcome to Thrive

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