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The Moment Everything Changed: Voices from the Start of the Pandemic
The Moment Everything Changed: Voices from the Start of the Pandemic

The Moment Everything Changed: Voices from the Start of the Pandemic

March 2020—life as we knew it changed overnight. In this special episode of Humans in Public Health, we take you back to the early days of the pandemic, when uncertainty loomed, fear spread and the world held its breath. Through personal stories and firsthand accounts from public health experts, we revisit the emotions, decisions and pivotal moments that shaped those first weeks. How did people react? And what have we learned since? Tune in for a compelling look at the moment everything changed.Sound Effects in this episode from Freesound.org, courtesy of the following users: Isaacburkevideo, Shaunhillyard, Wjoojoo, Charlie72203, Univ_lyon3, Richwise, Hardance, Kyles, Takimeko, nixeno, Humanoide9000, pblzr, Felixblume, Voxhumanamusicurators.

The Moment Everything Changed: Voices from the Start of the Pandemic

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