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Carol Ann DeSimine - From Branding to Bestsellers
Carol Ann DeSimine - From Branding to Bestsellers

Carol Ann DeSimine - From Branding to Bestsellers

Here's what to expect on the podcast:How did Carol transition from a career in branding to writing bestsellers?The changes in the publishing industry, particularly with Amazon's algorithms.How Carol decided on the book she was going to write.Carol's perspective on the issue of AI-generated content.And much more! About Carol:Carol Ann DeSimine is a writer and Amazon best-selling author of two books. She spent 10 years as a branding and business coach, but in 2024, she decided to go all in on writing books and helping others publish their books, and rebranded as Goddess55 Publishing. This was not just a whim; she has 30+ years of publishing experience under her belt. Connect with Carol Ann DeSimine!Website: https://goddess55.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolanndesimine/ Connect with  Anne Zuckerman!Websites: https://justwantedtoask.com/ | https://annezuckerman.com/Bezi Woman:  https://beziwoman.com/ | https://www.beziwoman.shop/two-step-order1591558404525Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bezibradiscs

Carol Ann DeSimine - From Branding to Bestsellers

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