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Care at the End of the World: A Conversation with Jina B. Kim
Care at the End of the World: A Conversation with Jina B. Kim

Care at the End of the World: A Conversation with Jina B. Kim

In this episode FQT associate director Che Gossett speaks with Jina B. Kim, who is assistant professor of English Language & Literature and of the Study of Women & Gender at Smith College, about her forthcoming book, Care at the End of the World: Dreaming of Infrastructure: Crip-of-Color Writing after the U.S. Welfare State (Duke UP, April 2025).  Professor Kim speaks about her articulation of a "crip-of-color critique," and how feminist- and queer-of-color literary responses to state austerity measures -- as seen in the work of writers such as Audre Lorde, Octavia Butler, Samuel Delany, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and others -- provide critical imaginaries wherein dependency figures not as lack, but rather, as an indispensable resource for crisis laden times. Music Credit: "Bird" by Gaelynn Lea

Care at the End of the World: A Conversation with Jina B. Kim

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