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How To Start Writing - WN 165
How To Start Writing - WN 165

How To Start Writing - WN 165

Whether you're a seasoned novelist or a newcomer to the craft, we all come to the page and need to BEGIN. It's easy to say "Just start," but it's often not that simple. This week, I have some fresh encouragement and practical tips to help you start writing with confidence. Links mentioned: Write Now Episode 102: Journaling & You Write Now Episode 142: No Rules, Just Write Write Now Episode 014: Creating A Space For Writing Write Now Episode 001: What's Keeping You From Writing? For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/how-to-start-writing-wn-165 Thank you for listening! To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, you can become a patron on Patreon at  https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner, or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/sarahwerner. Happy writing! — Sarah

How To Start Writing - WN 165

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